Little church on the prairie

cruising canuckistan

To be honest, I know nothing about this gutted church that stands lonely in a field of dandelions out on Red Bluff Road, south of Quesnel, British Columbia. I don’t know who built it, what church group it belonged to, or how it caught fire.

I first saw it when Helen (Dean) shot some ghostly, snowy photos of her sister around it in January this year. Then, shortly after arriving here last week, I stumbled across the old building while out exploring my new neighbourhood. I promised myself that I would return with my camera as soon as possible.

That time came yesterday evening, as I was driving home at around 8.30pm. The light was perfect – pink and soft after a late afternoon shower – and so I took a detour to try to photograph her. I turned off the main road down a pot-holed dirt track, and was…

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Documentário completo: A VIDA DE BUDA


Reuni no vídeo abaixo, 2 documentários que retratam muito bem a vida e os ensinamentos de Buda, juntamente com este vídeo e lendo o texto aqui na pagina clicando em ”Quem é Buda?” (lado superior direito), creio que é um bom modo de iniciar um estudo e conhecer melhor a história e os ensinamentos de Buda.

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